Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gurr Baby Update!

Well this past Monday I went to another doctors appointment and got to hear the baby's heart beat and see the little thing again... it was awesome the baby actually had the hicups when they were doing the ultrasound and I couldn't help but laugh everytime. It was exciting! So the next appointment we go to is NOVEMBER 17th and that is when we find out what it is.... I can't wait I am already going crazy not knowing what it is.... Here is a picture of me at 12 weeks and 2 days! I will try being better at posting more often as I grow!

Forgotten Summer Fun....

Well when I uploaded the pictures on my camera I realized I am so oldies but goodies on there from when Juline and the kids came to visit.... We went boating and had a ton of fun and I do must say Juline could be a professional wakeboarder some day if she went more than once a year!! I miss you leenie and the little ones!! Love You All!
Juline, Kohen, Adi, Hayden, Grandma, & Caroline

So You Think You Can Dance!!!

Sorry to all... I am really sucking at this whole blog updating thing. Since I got pregnant all I do is sleep, eat, work, and sleep some more.... I know pretty lame but that is my life right now. We are still managing to have some fun though between my lazyness.

Last weekend Brady and my brother Jarett surprised me and my sister in law Haylie with front row tickets to so you think you can dance.... and then after we got to meet and hug every single one of them which was a blast..... Here are some pictures of the show.....